Tuesday 24 September 2013


We have recently done our speeches. For me it was my bestest speech that I have ever done but probably because I had personal experience with it. my speech was on bullying and in our school it's a problem that hasn't been solved. The topic was on what we had learnt at school and bullying related to our sesions on kia kaha. Doing this meant that I had more confidence in doing my speech and saythat bullying is not ok.

Monday 16 September 2013

Snow trip

On the 6th of September 7 arrived at whakapapa to go for our ski trip. for most of us it was our first time snowboarding/skiing so we got lessons on how to board or ski and it helped a lot. Having going there for my first time was amazing, I was snow boarding and its a bit easier than it looks. Bestest life experience that I have ever had.


We have just had our market day and it was successful for most of the stalls and me and my friend's stall was a success. We were two items away from selling out and I thought we were only going to sell five which i am glad we didn't. Awesome day for everyone I think everyone wants to do it again.